Sunday, January 8, 2012

Work Hard. Be Nice. Thoughts on chapters 4, 5, & 6

Chapter 4: What struck you about chapter 4? I have lots of thoughts but didn't want to lead anyone, yours are probably better than mine!

Chapter 5: What do you think about Harriett Ball and what do you think made her a great teacher?

Chapter 6: Thoughts on Chapter 6 and how it relates to NMS!


  1. I believe that what made Harriet a great teacher was the different formats that she employed in her classromm such as: movement, songs, lyrics, and memory prompts. She utilized different avenues for acquiring content and processing. Today, we call that differentiated instruction. I also liked her energy, pace, compassion, consistency, and fun factor. I would have enjoyed and looked forward to her class.

    1. I agree with your assessment of Ms. Ball. I think you need to find what works for you. Not everyone can pull off what she did. You need to be true to who you are because the kids can tell if you are forcing something.

  2. In chapter 4, the personal connection you make with the parents, especially in their own environment, shows them how much you care about their children. Many parents of low SES children did not have a favorable school experience and are intimidated when they are called to come to school to meet about their child. When they walk in the doors it is their experiences they bring with them. If you meet them on neutral ground or on their own ground, they are not as defensive.

  3. Chapter 6--Finding a mentor to help you hone your skills is an awesome thing. Connecting new teachers to the right mentor can be the best thing we can do for a newbee. On the other hand, connecting a teacher to the wrong mentor can ruin what might have been an awesome educator.

  4. I loved this lady. Her great characteristics and personality came from within and out to show devotion to kids that they can learn. She was JOY in her JOB! She was hard on the issue to learn, but loved her learners and they knew it and so did the parents. Her inspiring way of teaching was creative, motivating, and inspiring. Who wouldn't want to be like her. I want a bumper sticker like hers!!!!!!

  5. I agree with you guys about Ms. Ball. You defnitely want to reach all the students, but you have to find ways that are true to who you are also - being your most authentic self! The kids will know if you aren't. Her ways of teaching were able to reach many students! Minga - are you talking about the quote about running with the big dogs? If so, I love that one too! That is a big quote in all KIPP Academys. It is all so interesting to me... What can we take and use in a public school!! What an adventure!

  6. One of the things I thought of when reading about Harriet Ball was how much her methods and strategies fit in with the research on the brain! She basically took out the need for exercise breaks because of the movement students were able to have within the classroom and yet still tied it to the learning. Kids also knew that she cared, because of the great lengths she went to to ensure that ALL students were successful in her classroom! I think there is a lot we can learn from her even if we don't have her personality.

  7. Harriet Ball is amazing. I want to be her when I grow up. She is true to herself and therefore able to establish relationships with children that invoke trust. She pulls no punches but kids respond, emphasizing the fact that we all perform better when the expectations are clear. Her pacing keeps kids engaged. My dayghter had a teacher like her in the 3rd grade, She made everyone a tape of her raping the times works. I think if more people could model her techniques at NMS we would hear a lot less of "I'm bored"
